
Whoops! I almost forgot to post about cupcakes!

First of all, what is a cupcake?

The all-knowing Wikipedia says:

A cupcake (the common US term) or fairy cake (the common British term), is a small cake designed to serve one person, usually made in a small paper cup container. As with larger cakes, frosting and other cake decorations, such as sprinkles, are defining characteristics of modern cupcakes.

Cupcakes are often served during a celebration, such as children’s classroom birthday parties. Additionally they can be served as an accompaniment to afternoon tea. They are a more convenient alternative to cake because they don’t require utensils or dividing into pieces because they are smaller.

A simple cupcake uses the same fundamental ingredients as most other standard cakes: butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. Nearly any layer cake or loaf cake recipe can be used to make cupcakes.

Yep, I think that’s a pretty straightforward explanation of what cupcakes are. Fairy cake? heehee!

Let’s see if Noah Webster’s 1828 has anything to say on the subject…Nope. Nothing on cupcakes. Maybe fairy cakes? Nothing there either. Darn.

Well, in honor of British terms, I shall link to Airy Fairy Cupcakes.

And now, story time! Late in the afternoon on Wednesday I was at work rolling a perm for like the second hour in a row. It’s not because I’m slow, it’s because the lady was Chinese, and so, of course, was her hair. Meaning it was really super thick (it was also shoulder-length, but that’s not because she was Chinese). We were all talking about politics or some such thing that was doing a good job of putting us in a crabby mood. We unanimously decided that we needed to change the subject. Here was my chance…

“We could talk about cupcakes!”, I offered in my excited-to-talk-about-cupcakes way.

“I don’t like cupcakes”, said Carole, my boss’s client.

“*GASP*! Carole! What is wrong with you?”, I exclaimed. (Carole is a lovely lady who has been coming to the shop longer than I have, and knows I was joking.)

“Well,” she said, “I just think they’re too dry.”

“That is terrible. I am telling your mother.” (Carole’s mother is one of those wonderful little old ladies that comes to the shop every Thursday to get her hair set for the week.)

The next day when Virginia came to the shop (yes, I was done with the perm by that time, thank you), I asked what was wrong with her daughter. She laughed and said “How much time have you got?”

Cupcakes and Linky Love for my Foodies

So as of late I’ve acquired a new addiction. Cupcake blogs*.

It all started quite a while ago when I was on Surly Dave’s site, looking through his blogroll of cooks. I found one that I absolutely love! Its Simply Recipes Food and Cooking Blog, run by a lady named Elise who posts wonderful, user-friendly recipes. If I’m feeling down, instead of turning to food consumption for comfort, I turn to food blogs, complete with pictures! Yay! I even got a notebook and started putting together my own little cookbook with the recipes I find there, and so far all of them have been delicious.

From that site I found another, of course. These things just tend to escalate, don’t they? Anyway, the second site is Vanilla Garlic, run by one Garrett McCord, who has a thing for putting together interesting ingredient combinations and creating original cupcake recipes. So of course in his blogroll he has a category just for cupcake blogs, which of the eight listed I favorited, um… Actually, I would have favorited all of them, but one isn’t running anymore.

Perusing these cupcake blogs has been so inspiring, but it took me a little while to try my first batch of cupcakes. I finally did on Monday, and the results were so wonderful!! I was so impressed with myself! The recipe comes from How To Eat a Cupcake, which is a super-fun site. Go check it out! I ended up buying a second notebook just for cupcakes. I think I shall post a new cupcake blog site every week! Bwa-ha-ha-haaaaa!


So! Now you have something exciting to look forward to! Yay for you!

*Yes, there was reason behind the madness that was Benny’s blog background yesterday.

So There!

You Are a Super Diva

Some may complain about your diva ways, but you brush them off.

You simply demand the best – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Don’t stomp on the little people too much though!

You still need them to get to the top.

Note: Questions may or may not have been answered in order to fit characterization.

Long Live the Meme!

Ok, so I tagged Princess FlickerFeather with this meme, and she e-mailed her response to me forever ago, and I’m just posting it now. I’m sorry! I know that you were all waiting very anxiously; but it’s okay now, here it is in her very own words! Enjoy!

7 Things people don’t know about me:
1) I couldn’t sing you a Beatles song to save my life.

2) Still a teenager and already a great-aunt

3) I’m a ninja – Seriously, I can disappear for an hour or so and not have people notice I’m gone.

4) My brother talks more than me.

5) Always wished I could be a tomboy.

6) I’ve only been to 4 concerts in my life.

7) Wanted to be married at 18… yeah, not going to happen. ^_^

365 days ago today…

…was the scariest day of my life. So far.

It wasn’t scary in the way that being on stage is scary or being attacked by sharks is scary. (Well, actually, I only have experience in one of those areas. Sharks. Totally.)

It was scary because I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but there was something that I wanted and I needed to find out if it was what God had in mind for me…and if my parents approved. I guess that was the scary part.

So, we all sat down in the living room that day – my mom, dad, me and Ben (aka “MG”). We had convened there to talk about “intentions and mushy stuff”. Oh, and earlier when I said that I had no idea what I was getting myself into? Seriously, I was clueless as to what to expect, so when my father asked Benny what his intentions were and he said “…well, one day I’d like to marry your daughter…”, I was a little shocked. I know. Looking back it seems pretty darn silly, like what else would we be talking about? But I had never done that before!

Well, “the talk” did go well. Benny has been spending lots of time with our family, because it is, after all, a family affair. And there is a reason for that. Joshua Harris’ books I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl really helped to keep things in perspective for me, along with people around me giving me really good examples of how to behave, and really good examples of how not to behave.

My dad was right, life is highway. Or at least an old interstate in the boonies. I can’t believe a year has gone by already, though its been suggested that I have a lead foot. So, we’ll keep driving down this road, kind of knowing one of the stops on the way, but not sure how we’ll arrive there or what comes after.

So here we are! We’ve come to this point in our journey, and we want you in on it.

Oh, and sorry guys. I’m taken.


If you want to know more, go here.

Bwa-ha-ha-haaaa! I’m it!

I’ve been tagged by Amanda at Within the Discord (an awesome new blog, btw. I’m so happy to have another girl on board!) with this meme: 7 things that most people don’t know about me.

I think I’ll change it up a little, though: 7 things that may or may not be true that most people don’t know about me. Heehee! Have fun guessing what’s what!

1. I used to have two black kittens. Their names were Glory and Hallelujah.

2. I talk in my sleep. One incident involved me telling my mother that I needed nine thousand dollars. I was probably five.

3. This past year I got a tattoo of a scripture from the Bible. On the bottom of my right foot it says “Whither thou goest,”, and on the bottom of my left foot it says “I will go”. It’s super cool. It hurt like crazy, though.

4. I love football.

5. Clowns scare me.

6. Right now I’m taking a break from writing a script to do this meme. Betcha didn’t know that I’m a scriptwriter, did you? Come to our Christmas program!

7. I’m a musical prodigy.

Let’s see; I tag Kevi-Wevi, Princess FlickerFeather, and Tiger Lilly.

The Very Best Christmas Pageant EVER!

I know I’ve been quite absent from the ‘sphere as of late, but I have a good reason!! Here it is:

So Princess FlickerFeather had this idea at the end of the summer for a Christmas program, and asked me if I would help make it happen. Of course I agreed, her being my dear friend and all. How hard could it be?

We had our first meeting toward the end of September. We had a hard time even knowing where to start, so I finaly said “OK! What is the one thing that we know for sure?” That one thing happened to be the date we were told the performance was to be. Alright! A lot to do, and enough time to do it if we are diligent.

The creative juices started flowing. We went through the ideas that she had, and have since been working endlessly to get everything together, and practicing two, even three times a week! If one of my parents asks “What are you doing tonight?” or “Hey! Where are you going?”, the answer is always “Practice! What do you think?”

We’ve worked hard, the cast has worked hard, and everyone else involved has worked hard to bring this thing to fruition. Now its pay-off time!!! And we want you to come and enjoy the results of our toil. There will be singing, dancing, lots of laughs, and even cookies!!! Here’s the D.L. :

What: Eclectica: A Christmas Program
(Directed and emceed by the Princess and yours truly)

Where: The Miracle Centre Church
125 21st Ave. S., S. St. Paul, MN 55075

When: December 16th at 6 p.m.
Cookies and other yummy desserty things to follow!!

This is your official invitation. Be there or be a shape with four corners!! Any questions, leave them in the comments section or shoot me an email. Look! We even have a logo that kicks butt! Thanks Mr. Tommy!

Eclectica: A Christmas Program

Embarrassing his children…

by the Mall Diva

…just another service he offers.

Ahh, the Crooked Spoon. We were hungry after a long hike. My feet were tired. My mom, sister, and I had left my father at the bar down the street to watch the game end. Sitting at our table, I tried not to fall asleep. We perused our menus and decided what we wanted. There were only a few people in the restaurant.

We didn’t have to wait too long before my father walked in. He seemed to be in a rather jovial mood. We ordered our food and then he shared his story of the man who had “played football before” and the other who was giving himself a pedicure at the bar. *Shudder* Anyway, after a while our appetizer came. It was goat-cheese-and-spinach dip (sounds great, no?) with pita bread. Our pita bread ran out before our dip did. We asked for more pitas, but that took forever, so we were eating the dip with our forks. When our bread finally came, there pretty much wasn’t any dip left…except what my dad had scooped onto his plate earlier. My mom tried to take some, which resulted in my dad getting territorial. Like an animal. Actually, like an ape. “Ooh ooh ooh!” (How do you spell what an ape says, anyways?)

My mom was taken aback, but my sister and I started laughing. She should have told us not to encourage him, because he kept it up all through dinner- playing with his food, beating his chest and scratching his butt like monkeys do. Well, maybe he didn’t really go that far; but whatever. He was scaring the other customers, alright? Because by this time, the restaurant was full. I saw the people behind my dad glance over a couple times, wondering what the heck was going on. I just kept laughing. I was tired, it was funny! We were really starting to wonder just how many beers he’d actually had beforehand.

That is one family vacation memory I will not forget. I’m scarred for life. Darwin would be so proud.

The Queen

…is my cousin!!!!

Yes, that’s right. Tonight, for the first time in 25 years, Inver Grove Heights has crowned a queen for itself. I went to the coronation, the audience of which was largely made up of Lindsay Irish supporters. Who’s that you say? Oh, why that is just my cousin THE QUEEN.

You know, coronations are actually pretty boring except for about the last eight minutes. Then it’s nail-biting suspense, and then either a sharp sense of disappointment and loss or one of overwhelming and exceeding joy and excitement; and all just for a (very, incredibly) sparkly crown. It almost makes me want to run. Almost.

Here we are, the two/thirds royalties:

She also won the community award. Every candidate had a box that their constituents filled with non-perishable food items, and the candidate with the most non-perishable food items won. Yay for the constituents!! I think she should also get the award for the loudest cheerers (read: screamers). The MC told her “Wow, it sounds like you brought your whole neighborhood tonight”. Heck yeah. And I can say I knew her way back when:

*Sniff, sniff* Now I probably won’t see her for a whole year, til the next coronation when she does the crowning.