I love Hairspray

Need I say more?

Last Saturday the Princess took me to see “Hairspray”. It was absolutely adorable. And hilarious. I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard. It’s probably on of the best musicals ever.

Nikki Blonsky does a great job as Tracy Turnblad, who knows she was born to dance, even if she doesn’t fit in with all the skinny girls. She is a funny, out-going force to be reckoned with; and she teaches us that dreams really can come true! (Okay, that was a little sappy- *gag, gag*) Anyway, while she fights for her chance to prove herself, she also fights for the equality of her new negro friends, even to the extent of her “assaulting” a police officer! Yup, a great family film.

Zac Efron plays Tracy’s love interest, Link Larkin, who is a lot cuter than- and not nearly as annoying as- he was in “High School Musical” (another movie the Princess made me watch).

Oh, and John Travolta makes a pretty good mom.

Watching this movie will most likely make you want to dance and sing- it’s so infectious! I can’t wait to buy it.

Post Birthday Post

Hey, peeps! I may have been silent, but I AM alive, and did indeed have a birthday. Many thanks to the people who noticed and even posted: Uncle Ben and Dan Stover (such as it was).

It’s been a big year. I had my first anniversary at the salon on July 8, and things have been going well. When I tell people what I did on my birthday, they tell me that I’m really an adult now. Want to know what I did? I worked.

I went to work at 9 on that icky-looking Saturday morning with three appointments on my book. Within the first hour, the first two had cancelled. So. It was my birthday, I was stuck at work with nothing to do, and I had left my book at home. Arrgh!

My boss came in at 10 and felt so bad for me, she let me foil her first client. Yay! I had something fun to do! She went to Caribou to get a coffee and was gone for longer than normal. When she came back, I was lamenting to my client about the dissolving of my day and she said “Don’t you have faith that you’ll get some clients?” Mostly I thought she was just teasing me about my name. Soon after that, my third client cancelled. Yup, that made my faith real strong.

A while later the two ladies who own the bakery just down from us came in. One needed her hair colored, and they had brought me a cake!
*Sniff sniff* That’s why my boss was taking forever!! She wasn’t just buying coffee, she was pulling clients out of the bakery- cake and all! And it was a good cake. Then a few minutes later, Will from Caribou came in with a big fat cup of some hot, sugary, syrupy, coffee drink! Guess what I had for lunch?

I felt so loved. And after that, I felt like a small neurotic dog on speed.

That night, we had dinner at Olive Garden and then my family came over, bearing gifts. And my loving mother had also baked me a cake. Not a bad birthday at all.

Tag! I’m It!!! …Wait

Kingdavid has tagged me with a meme:
“Songs that I’ve made a happy fool of myself singing along to.”

This is going to be hard, because I pretty much sing along with any song I know the words to, and quite a few songs I don’t really know the words to. How long can my list be? And where do I begin?

I’ll start with a classic:

1~ “The Hampsterdance” by Hampton the Hampster
Yes, I spelled that right. This is one you really need to crank up, let loose and rock out to. Especially in public. It even instructs you on how to do the Hampsterdance! And by the time you’re done with that, this song will come in really handy:

2~ “Dancing With Myself” by Billy Idol
Oh oh ohoh!! Need I say more?

Oh oh, I know!
3~ “Believe” by Cher
I confess I’ve always liked this song, though I thought it was sung by a dude until someone told me otherwise.

And now for something completely different!
4~ “Witness” by Nicole C. Mullen
Ooooh yeeeah. I betcha didn’t know I could rap, didja?

And speaking of rapping:
5~ Every song on my Group 1 Crew cd. They are brand spankin’ new (pretty much) and absolutely kick butt. Even live! I saw them at Club 3 degrees with Princess Flickerfeather and her cousins.
Holla again!

6~ “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” by Big and Rich
Yup, I’ve made a happy fool of myself singing along to this and the parody my sister made up. She likes to do that.

Speaking of parodies…
7~ “Oh! Gravity” by Switchfoot
This cd rocks, and both the original version and the Tiger Lilly version are fun to sing and head-bang to.

8~ “Man, I Feel Like A Woman” by Shania Twain
Of course.

9~ “Such Great Heights” by The Postal Service
One of my absolute favorite songs, along with:

10~ “Far Away” by Nickelback
So beautiful! *sniff*…

Here’s one for my dad:
11~ “Lawyers, Guns, and Money” by Warren Zevon
Ha ha!

And here’s one for my mom:
12~ “Nothing Compares 2 U” by Sinead O’Connor

Here’s a fun one!
13~ “Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin

14~ “Flower Duet” by Charlotte Church
Almost everybody who tries to sing along with this will make a fool of themself.

15~ “Wordy Rappinghood” by Tom Tom Club
Yes…I’ve sung along to this.

Ok, just one more:
16~ “Sly” by the Cat Empire
Super fun!!!

Anyway, there’s a list for ya. It’s in no way an exhaustive list, but it’s cool.

Peace out, homeslices!

Interesting Weekend Thought

“In the world it is called tolerance
but in hell it is called despair.
The sin that believes in nothing,
cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing,
enjoys nothing, finds purpose in nothing,
lives for nothing
but remains alive because there is
nothing which it would die for.”

~Dorothy Sayers

“Religion” is Good for Kids

I just read an article about a study that shows religion is good for kids:

“John Bartkowski, a Mississippi State University sociologist, and his colleagues asked parents and teachers of more than 16,000 kids, most of them first-graders, to rate how much self-control they believed the kids had, how often they exhibited poor or unhappy behavior and how well they respected and worked with their peers.”

I stopped reading after a couple of paragraphs just to throw in my un-biased 2 cents worth of pre-conceived notions. First of all, I think that the word “religion” is sort of a cop-out for people who don’t feel that they need The Relationship. Religion is just the kind of nicey-nice safe sounding generalization that one can throw into a conversation to make themselves feel like a good person while sneakily getting away with not really beieving in anything. It’s also kind of similar to how people use the word “spiritual” or “spirituality”. Sure, one can claim an experience as “religious” or “spiritual” and then write it off, thinking that they’ve done their duty or filled their goodness quota; but if it never reached their heart or renewed their mind or made them strive after reconciliation with the One who gave them life- what is it good for? That’s right- absolutely nothing. Onward…

“The researchers compared these scores to how frequently the children’s parents said they attended worship services, talked about religion with their child and argued about religion in the home. The kids whose parents regualarly attended religious services — especially when both parents did so frequently — and talked with their kids about religion were rated by both parents and teachers as having better self-control, social skills and approaches to learning than kids with non-religious parents.”

I think it comes down to faith. The “religious” parents believe in something, and put that faith into action by going to church with their families (and hopefully not just attending, but actually getting involved somehow) and also discussing what it is that they’re learning, and how it applies to their lives.

These parents realize that there is something bigger than themselves in this world, that they are not the be all and end all, that they are being held responsible for their actions, and that they had better live accordingly. If this is indeed what they believe, than a big part of the actions they are responsible for are their children. In the case of my own parents with me and my sister, they are responsible to “raise us up in the way we should go…”, ultimately teaching us that there is Someone bigger than us, that we are not our own, that we are on this earth for a purpose (not our own purposes), and that we, too, are being held responsible for our actions. We are ultimately here to glorify the Lord, not ourselves. It might not sound appealing, but I have seen examples of both, and I know Who I would rather glorify.

Are the non-religious parents giving their kids anything to live for — besides themselves? I’m not saying they don’t want what’s best for their kids, but what do they really have that they can give them? Money can’t buy love or salvation. Maybe they let their kids do anything they want. Sure, it sounds like more fun — and it probably is; but only for a little while. There is nothing fulfilling or satisfying about living for yourself. I know that lots of people trick themselves into thinking there is, while turning a blind eye to the wretched emptiness of their own soul.

At this point you might be wondering what this has to do with the study at all. Actually, it’s everything. What I believe in has an effect on every single thing in my life, from my attitude and my friends to my grades and habits. I am definitely not perfect in any way, shape or form; but why try for something impossible? I would rather strive for excellence — which I know is attainable — in my job, in school, and in my life.

Somebody’s Trying to Make Me Blog…

…Thank you very much for the meme, Mr. Carlson.

A- Available or Single?
Single, but if you ask my dad, I’m not available.

B- Best Friend.
Princess FlickerFeather

C- Cake or Pie.

D- Drink of Choice.
A medium light roast with a shot of vanilla.

E- Essential Item.
Umm.. All my beauty stuff. And my shoes.

F- Favorite Color.
I don’t have one. I mean *just* one.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms.
Gummi candy? Give me chocolate!

H- Hometown.
S. St. Paul

I- Indulgence.
Bet you can’t guess.

J- January or February.
February. Birthday parties and Valentine’s Day! Oh wait, never mind.

K- Kids.
Hmmm…About kids. I generally like them, and I want my own, but I can’t stand other people’s ill-behaved little monsters.

L- Life is incomplete without…
God. And music. And chocolate. And shoes.

M- Marriage Date.
Who’s marriage date? Next question.

N- Number of Siblings?
One crazy sister.

O- Oranges or Apples?

P- Phobias/Fears.
Clowns. Graven images. And heights freak me out a little bit.

Q- Favorite Quote.
“True beauty lies within- But a little lipstick doesn’t hurt, and you may as well put on some powder, stand up straight, and dazzle ’em while you’re at it.” ~Lillian Berg

R- Reasons to smile.
When I just cooked the best food ever and everybody liked it!!! Go, me!

S- Season.
Spring and Fall.

T- Tag Three.
Tiger Lilly, Princess FlickerFeather, and Strommie.

U- Unknown Fact About Me.
I’ve got a boyfriend….don’t tell my dad (or Kevin!).

V– Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals.
Oppressor. And I’m not sorry.

W- Worst Habit.
Bad habit? Me?

X– X-rays or Ultrasounds.
What kind of question is that?

Y- Your Favorite Foods.
I love Indian, Italian, Mexican, Chinese…etc..etc…

Z- Zodiac.
You’re asking me my sign? Does that line really work?

Reviews and Wandering Elephants

This weekend I watched a movie that Princess FlickerFeather let me borrow called “Howl’s Moving Castle”. It is an anime by Hayao Miyazaki that’s based on the book by Diana Wynne Jones. I haven’t really watched much anime aside from the Pokemon craze that hit my school back in 5th or 6th grade, but I liked this movie. It was pretty entertaining. Howl himself is very vain, and at one point he proclaims:

“I give up. I see no reason to go on living if I can’t be beautiful.”
Heehee! I’d recommend it.

I also just finished a book that Princess FlickerFeather(again) let me borrow. See, she’s the one that’s big into movies and books, and she tells me what to read or see, because I really don’t pay that much attention. I haven’t been to the library in forever. Anyway! The book is called “Kissing Adrien”, and its by Siri L. Mitchell. It takes place in France, and its romantic and hilarious! Its the kind of book that I didn’t want to end, but the end was wonderful, so its okay.

And now for something completely different! (Hi, Carol!)

Monday nights are practice nights for the little drama that PFF and I are putting together. Tonight was no different; we drove to church and practiced with about ten other kids. It’s going really well, btw. Anyway, in my car I have this little stuffed elephant with really long arms and legs- you know, the kind with velcro on the feet so that you can hang it around your neck. His name is Winston, and he usually hangs on the armrests between the front seats. Well, tonight after practice I came out and got in my car and something was wrong. Winston was sitting on my steering wheel, his arms wrapped around it to keep him on; his beady little eyes looking at me. It freaked me out. What kind of crazy person would scare a little girl with her own stuffed elephant?? At least they didn’t cut his head off and send it to me.

At this point I know you’re all probably incredibly worried about my safety, but it’s alright, I figured out who did it. And it’s the kind of person that likes to play with other people’s minds like a drunk kitten. I bet you can guess, too.

I Want To Go To Keegan’s

…So therefore, I must write.

I’m sitting in my pajamas on the couch listening to my sister practicing a new language. She can speak it pretty fast, and I can only make out some of the words; but for the most part it sounds like this: “buckbuck buck BUUUCK, buck buckbuck buck buck.” I’m not sure what it means. Maybe she’s turning into a chicken.

I’m also watching the bird tear apart an old newspaper we rolled up and stuck in her cage. She’s crazy about it. All day she chews on it. In the morning when my mom takes the blanket off her cage, she’s already tearing away. There’s now newspaper confetti all over the floor.

I have today off, but my cousin is coming over for a foil. She’s been blonde for a few years, but last time we put in some lowlights and it turned out gorgeous. We’re going to do it again today. It’s also my day to cook, and after that, Tiger Lilly and I have to go to practice a drama that Princess FlickerFeather is putting together and I am assistant director of. It’s to a song by Third Day called “Thief”, and it’s about the thief that was on the cross next to Jesus who ended up in Paradise. Bet you can’t guess when that one’s going to be performed!

So anyway, I’ll see y’all at Keeg’s a week from Thursday!

Mall Diva- Missing in Action

Hey guess what you guys? I was MIA since dinnertime and I didn’t even know it! I mean, I knew where I was and I told the parental units where I was going to be, so I thought it was all good. I guess it was just another one of those “Oh dang it, I forgot!” moments.

The plan was for me to go from work to a friend’s house to do hair and they would feed me and we’d watch American Idol. First episode I’ve seen in a long time.

I was expecting a call from an old beauty school friend, but I had put my phone on silent. I wasn’t surprised when my phone showed that I had messages. But I was surprisd when I listened to them! “Faith, this is your mother. Where ARE YOU??” After that were messages from my friends that my parents had alerted to my “disappearance”. Oh, and I never did get the message I was actually expecting.

So anyway, I’m obviously not missing and everything is fine, but I really don’t know whether to feel extremely loved or a little bit paranoid about the fact that I can’t be gone for a couple hours before they send out a search party.

There’s your most exciting blog o’ the day!

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

For a friend experiencing this in his family:

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
That is what they say, and I’m finding that it’s true.
I’ve always taken it for granted that I would see you again;
I never could imagine there being me without you.

But this time it’s different.
This disease ravages through your whole body-
Slowly, but surely, pulling you away.
There’s no way for me to know what you’re feeling,
Or how long you are willing or able to stay.
To try and hold on to you is to cling to a shadow,
You are not mine to keep or control;
Yet still I feel hope in the gathering darkness
for the glorious light that I know fills your soul.

But what of your life?
It seems all past now, are you content?
Are you satisfied that it was time well spent-
Or do you look back with sorrow, pain and regret?

And what of the future?
Is the path that you’ve laid one you’d want others to follow?
As it winds through life’s joys and sorrows,
There’s ever the presence of hope for tomorrow.

And those of us you are leaving behind
Will rejoice at your arrival to the place we call home,
For we know that all this is just the beginning
And your journey doesn’t end in a cold, lonely tomb.
So I’ll kiss you farewell, for I’ll see you again
And til then, I’ll remember you fondly,
My friend.

— by Faith