Passing It On: The “Interview Me” Meme Points to the Eckernet

Apparently my leverage as “Eckernet Reader of the Month” was enough to induce Kevin to volunteer for a turn in the bright lights of the “Interview Me” meme. I would have posted the questions sooner but I wanted to build traffic to my site by having Kevin check back repeatedly.

So, Kevin, here are your five questions. (Other readers may feel free to play along and post your answers to these questions in the Comments or on your own blog). I’ll look for and link to your replies!

1. You have been referred to by some as “Young Jedi.” Are you really like Luke Skywalker, or are you more Han Solo or … Boba Fett?

2. What is the first book you read that affected the way you look at the world, and how? What type of books do you seek out now for your own entertainment or self-directed education?

3. How long have you been blogging and what were your objectives when you started? Have your reasons for blogging changed since you began? What has been the most surprising thing to you about blogging?

4. If you could have been an actor in any movie you’ve seen, what movie would it be and what character would you have played?

5. Describe the best day of your life so far.

(HT to Blogizdat for launching this meme.)

Oh, Theocracy!

There is much consternation, if not outright (outleft?) hysteria in the MSM of late regarding America’s imminent theocracy. Indeed, in reading Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, Paul Krugman or the rendering unto seizure that took place on the cover of Harper’s it appears that the only uncertainty is whether or not theocracy is about to take over or if it already has.

All I can say is that if that rapturous moment has occurred I must have missed it … and you might imagine my disappointment.

And if their vision of theocracy were truly upon us I don’t think you’d see such open assaults where people of faith are compared to either the Taliban or the Nazis, which is interesting bit of name calling projection. Last I looked, it wasn’t Christians who were going around trying to tear down religious monuments in front of City Hall, or acting like Brown Shirts intimidating others by throwing pies and trying to shout down opposing points of view. In fact the vilification – or demonization, if you will – through outrageous and even libelous hate speech of a particular group of people because of their religious beliefs just sounds so, oh, 1934, don’t you think?

Yet for all their cries of oppression where they see religion crossing the line into areas they think should remain secular, the Secularists have no qualms about trying to enforce the secular on what others see as sacred. They will brook no criticism of their own ideals and insist they are being persecuted while simultaneously criticizing and undermining religious leaders (e.g., deriding the Pope as being too conservative, encouraging the Rainbow Sash escapades, trying to redefine marriage). Funny – Hitler persecuted and/or arrested German theologians who opposed him on spiritual grounds such as Niemoller, Bonhoeffer, and Barth and reconstituted the German church with officials willing to replace the Father with the Fuehrer. I read somewhere that that didn’t turn out so well.

Here’s the deal: this is really an old conflict – even older than WWII. (Public service announcement: Warning – scripture reference coming. Avert your eyes if sensitive to this type of material). Romans 12:2 tells believers not be be conformed to the world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds. It is the conflict of the outside world (which touches our flesh) and the inner man or woman (which is touched by the spirit). The secular world is all about forcing people to conform to their vision; the spiritual instinct is to see people transformed by God. And if they happen to change the way they vote as a result of that transformation, well, that’s part and parcel of free will.

Secularists want the government to run things, which is why they get so concerned about who runs the government. (Even though what they really want is to be a law unto themselves). In their quest they want to run everything – schools, public square, social institutions and come against any who say they are not beholden to these or recognize a higher authority. That’s because those who obey an authority higher than the government are more likely to cherish their individual right to their own conscience – and the renewed mind resists the old and does indeed become a law unto itself.

And frankly, I don’t think that that is such a scary concept to most people, as I described here a couple of weeks ago. It certainly wasn’t a scary thought to the founding fathers, as former New York Times reporter John McCandlish Phillips noted so well in the Washington Post (When Columnists Cry “Jihad!” – HT Michelle Malkin):

The fact is that our founders did not give us a nation frightened by the apparition of the Deity lurking about in our most central places. On Sept. 25, 1789, the text of what was later adopted as the First Amendment was passed by both houses of Congress, and subsequently sent to the states for ratification. On that same day, the gentlemen in the House who had acted to give us that invaluable text took another action: They passed a resolution asking President George Washington to declare a national day of thanksgiving to no less a perceived eminence than almighty God.

That’s president , that’s national, that’s official and, alas, my doubting hearties, it’s God; all wrapped up in a federal action by those who knew what they meant by the non-establishment clause and saw their request as standing at not the slightest variance from it. It’s a pity our phalanx of columnists cannot crawl into a time machine to go back and reinstruct them.

Related posts from other sources:
Flown to the Roll: A Glittering Jewel of Ignorance.

Bogus Gold: “Dispelling the Theocracy Myth and Its Defenders” and “Sullivan, Goldberg and Theocrats, Oh My!”

Fox News: Lawmaker Hopes to Open Churches to Political Speech

Free Speech: Gotta Love It

Mil-blogger joatmoaf at I Love Jet Noise found the following on the bottom of his flight boot the other day. It’s from a blog called Forsake the Troops (joatmoaf’s comments in plain text):

This website is proudly dedicated to the notion that our nation’s military is grossly overcompensated, at the expense of the American taxpayers. Even as the evil, overspending Pentagon seeks to raise benefits for these scumbags, Forsake The Troops believes that these pukes get pay and benefits tax free when in a combat zone.”

Verbatim prolog. I kid you not.
Here’s more:

“Our problem is this: the military is a lifestyle these morons chose. What idiot risks their life for a country? It’s what they chose. Forsake our Troops! They must think that if they go to war, they don’t need to pay taxes just like the rest of us. Let ’em die in combat– we don’t need their ilk! “

I’m not going to give this deluded, anti-troop bowl of dog vomit any more direct links from this blog, or even build his Google index by mentioning the name again, but if you have to see what is there for yourself the URL is If you want more information, I’d rather any traffic go first to I Love Jet Noise, an excellent blog who’s post on this subject includes Dog Vomit’s supposed name and contact number. My reluctance to link to the offensive site, and to include the name and phone number here, is based on a strong hunch that this vomitous mass would love the attention. I probably should just let this pass without comment altogether and not even bother calling more attention to it – but if it’s reaction he’s after, then reaction is what he’ll get.

The content of the blog is so bizarre and so far out beyond where even the bad taste buses run that I initially suspected some kind of Kaufman-esque attempt at humor, even though the sidebar claims the blogger is serious (perhaps a tip-off on its own account). Even if that’s the case, he’s gone so far that the only punchline I’m interested in at this point is the one that’s forming outside his front door. Here are a couple more examples:

Don’t military pukes learn anything? Nine more Marines bite the big one in combat. Stupid is as stupid does!

Number of US soldiers killed in the Iraq War, of their own doing, because they CHOSE to be leeches: 1,583. These scumbags deserved what they got.

Dog Vomit (and if there happens to be a blog out there that really is called “Dog Vomit” then I profusely apologize for putting your name in proximity with this bulging sphincter of a blog) also promotes a new blog under construction called “Forsake the Police” and includes wording that “this blog is sponsored by The Constitution and Free Speech.” No hat tip, however, to the Armed Forces that have helped keep these – and Dog Vomit – living in the style to which they’ve become accustomed.

Happy Birthday, Little Miracle Flowers

The twins are two years old on the 14th!

Click to enlarge photo.

Rose (left) and Camille are twin blessings for my sister and her husband, and for our entire family.

Early in my sister’s pregnancy the girls were identified as monoamniotic monochorionic twins, or “MoMos”. This means they shared one amniotic sac, one chorionic sac and a single placenta. It is a very rare condition also very high risk with mortality as high as 50 percent. (You can find out more at this site.)

With God, all things are possible and a strong prayer chain also helps!

They are an active and charming pair and appear to have their own system of language and signals for communicating with each other. They’re also very good at getting their points across with regular folk as well!

Happy Birthday, my dears!


The always very funny Varifrank once again takes a firm grip on the obvious and then flips it over to look at what is underneath. Today he took a look at the criticism of John Bolton, the nominee for US ambassador to the UN.

John Bolton. To hear some talk about him you’d think President Bush appointed Satan’s representative here on earth to be the UN Ambassador. Apparently the charges go something like this:

He’s a bully.
He’s got a funny mustache.
He doesnt like the UN.
He doesnt talk diplomatically.

Since these are serious charges, Varifrank took a look at the qualifications of some other ambassadors from other countries. For example:

Apparently he’s a critic of the UN Too! But he’s a good Marxist-Leninist, so I guess it’s ok … Well, when a Cuban thug criticizes you of not being a legitimate force for human rights, you just know you’re screwed, don’t you?
And the “Number 2” man at the Cuban UN Embassy was apparently recalled from his previous post as ambassador to Mexico after he broke into their embassy, how gauche…

Ambassador to the UN – Dr. Nasser Al-Kidwa
And who’s he? Oh he’s the late Yasser Arafat’s nephew. Oh, and since he’s a doctor, he should know if the Israelis poisoned Chairman Arafat, but since he absconded with the medical records, who can tell?


He’s on record as calling the US “Imperialist”. Well thats not very “diplomatic” now is it? … Yeah. Let’s be nice to him. Oh by the way, he’s one of the architects of the internationally legal and multilateral boycott on genetically modified food which is keeping food from reaching people in Zimbabwe and thus keeping them compliant and under the control of their murdering dictatorship of a government, lead by the thug Robert Mugabe.

Get a load of this goon. And people bitch about Bolton’s mustache? Jeez, this guy could scare the paint off the walls! KGB? He damn well better be with a face like that.

Ambassador Jean-Marc de LA SABLIERE

…Now check this out. Apparently the French UN ambassador is an anti-catholic secularist bigot! I think that outdoes anything that John Bolton has been accused of by a good country mile.

“The French government attacked the Holy See delegation at a Wednesday meeting of the United Nations committee that considers official UN status for nongovernmental organizations. After the Holy See delegation made an argument for the UN to protect unborn children, France accused the Holy See of injecting ‘moral’ and ‘religious criteria’ into the debate.”

Yvon Charbonneau
, Former Canadian Ambassador to the UN, was removed by Canadian PM Paul martin in 2004 and sent to france and to UNESCO.

And just who is Yvon Charbonneau?

Yvon Charbonneau, former Marxist president of the Province of Quebec’s second largest union, has been vociferously outspoken against Jews, both on the homefront and abroad … During his years as union president, Mr. Charbonneau once “accused a prominent Montreal Jewish businessman of being an ‘economic terrorist’.

Bolton sounds like just the guy to kick some ambassador.

Interview Me: The “All About Me” Meme

As much as we might try to live our lives to the (hopefully high) standards we set for ourselves, it is perhaps our weak moments that expose and define us. In one such weak moment I succumbed to Sandy’s MAWB Squad “interview me” invitation. I may have done this thinking it’s a good idea to ingratiate one’s self to the future rulers of the planet, but in the interim I rather hoped this indiscretion might fade away unnoticed. Not only was this hope in vain, I see now that the first three questions are not in the vein of “What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?”

Well nothing to it now but to do it, and realize that some people pay a lot of money to talk about their inner secrets, and this is free. If you, dear reader, would like to take a similar challenge, see the information at the end of this post and help keep this meme going.

1. Pick a country, any country, to emigrate to for a year. What country did you pick and why? Given the opportunity would you make the move? Could you convince your family to do it?

Someplace in the tropics sounds good on this rainy, 30-degree day in May, but then I really don’t care for humidity and insects. I have long had a romantic notion, however, of having a smallish croft in Scotland, located on a promontory over the North Sea. I see myself tramping through the heather wearing a tweed coat or wooly sweater with a shawl collar and with a black dog romping nearby, then retiring to a snug stone cottage (complete with broadband and satellite tv so I can pick up ESPN) to read, write, meditate and see what the four seasons are like in this place. This fantasy usually involves someone sending me to this place for a year to write, just to see what may come out, so if this opportunity were offered I may have to take it.

Unfortunately, I’d probably have to do this alone since my Minnesota born and bred wife, who struggles daily to keep warm, has said she wants to spend the last half of her life in a warm climate (a challenge that is also starting to take on an actuarial aspect), and coastal Scotland doesn’t fit that requirement. As for my daughters, the giftings in their lives would make such isolation an injustice to them and to the world. Still, if only for a year, ….

2. What do you fear and why do you fear it? What helps you to cope with your fear?

I Thought This Was the Original Whizzinator

Onterrio Smith Caught With Kit to Foil Drug Tests

Smith acknowledged to airport police that he was carrying dried urine, along with a device called “The Original Whizzinator” and a bottle of pills labeled “Cleansing Formula.” He told police the kit was “for making a clean urine test,” according to the police report, and said he was taking the materials to his cousin.

Hey, Y’all – This Southern Belle is a Peach

One of the coolest things about the blogosphere is the linking and the sometimes surreal “six degrees of separation” experience you can get when, like Alice, you follow the White Rabbit (an Ether Bunny?) through the ‘net.

Today I was going through the referral list of my SiteMeter report when I saw a blog name I hadn’t seen before. I followed that link and read a post there that lead me to another link, which had a post that lead me to a blog called Suburban Blight, written by Kelley, a desperate housewife in Atlanta-burbia.

Good Lord, she makes me laugh, and we can all use that on a regular basis so I recommend you check her out. Visit her blog and help her come up with a name for her new favorite adult beverage, or find out why her young son asked her to wear a bra – and the blog reaction she’s had as a result of that post.

Anyone who enjoys Cathy in the Wright and the rest of The
MAWB Squad
will feel right at home.