Post Birthday Post

Hey, peeps! I may have been silent, but I AM alive, and did indeed have a birthday. Many thanks to the people who noticed and even posted: Uncle Ben and Dan Stover (such as it was).

It’s been a big year. I had my first anniversary at the salon on July 8, and things have been going well. When I tell people what I did on my birthday, they tell me that I’m really an adult now. Want to know what I did? I worked.

I went to work at 9 on that icky-looking Saturday morning with three appointments on my book. Within the first hour, the first two had cancelled. So. It was my birthday, I was stuck at work with nothing to do, and I had left my book at home. Arrgh!

My boss came in at 10 and felt so bad for me, she let me foil her first client. Yay! I had something fun to do! She went to Caribou to get a coffee and was gone for longer than normal. When she came back, I was lamenting to my client about the dissolving of my day and she said “Don’t you have faith that you’ll get some clients?” Mostly I thought she was just teasing me about my name. Soon after that, my third client cancelled. Yup, that made my faith real strong.

A while later the two ladies who own the bakery just down from us came in. One needed her hair colored, and they had brought me a cake!
*Sniff sniff* That’s why my boss was taking forever!! She wasn’t just buying coffee, she was pulling clients out of the bakery- cake and all! And it was a good cake. Then a few minutes later, Will from Caribou came in with a big fat cup of some hot, sugary, syrupy, coffee drink! Guess what I had for lunch?

I felt so loved. And after that, I felt like a small neurotic dog on speed.

That night, we had dinner at Olive Garden and then my family came over, bearing gifts. And my loving mother had also baked me a cake. Not a bad birthday at all.

14 thoughts on “Post Birthday Post

  1. You’re a year older and I still don’t see wrist sweaters or lower-arm warmers or whatever you call them as the prevailing trend across the country?

    Slacking off I see.

  2. Now wait just a cottonpickin’ moment (dagnabbit!)

    Just who is this “Will” cat, and what does he think he’s doing getting you all hopped up on some drink that he mixed up in your absence?

    And where’s your dad during all this? Shouldn’t he have been there trying to assume some threatening posture or something? First he lets you cuddle up in the back seat of a car with some guy, and now he’s letting strangers mix up syrupy concoctions for you.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday kiddo. Isn’t there some kind of scanderhooooovian rite of passage you should be engaging in….like learning how to make lutefisk?

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday

    To every girl and boy

    Hope this very special day

    Brings you lots of joy

    Hope the birthday presents

    You get from mom and dad

    Make this very special day

    The best you ever had

    Happy Belated Birthday

    Have your mom or dad sing it, they have to know the tune. Trivia time: where was this from

  4. Uh, thanks KD.

    Kevi-wevi: Don’t you worry yourself. The Princess and I have a plan. Mwa-ha-ha-haaaa!!

    Thanks Uncle Jeff. And you don’t need to worry about Will. He only likes girls as friends. And lutefisk? I don’t think so.

  5. Have you ever tried turnip-stuffed lutefisk with a liver pate glaze? Yum! Just add a nice tall glass of room temperature buttermilk and you’ve got yourself a feast.

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