10 years ago, and 10 years on

by the Night Writer

Ten years ago I wasn’t blogging, but I was writing. On Sunday, September 16 I published the first essay below –  “When the Towers Fall” – in the monthly handout I prepared for our men’s ministry at church. It was based on my observations of the past few days and the role of faith and biblical understanding in those circumstances. A month later I followed up with a second essay, taking off from the words of a certain televangelist to examine the nature and purpose of judgment. I share these two essays below for a picture of that time. Later this week I’ll come back and share how I think things have – or haven’ t – changed for me and my nation in the intervening years.

When the Towers Fall

Ultimately, America’s secular façade crumbled even before its material symbols collapsed. I first turned on my radio – and heard the first words regarding Tuesday’s disaster – moments before the second tower was struck. The voices of the national news team were already urging Americans to pray for the safety of those involved. It sounded almost glib at first, but as the unreal became real and the horror increased by the minute, the references became more heartfelt, even desperate.

As our true helplessness and vulnerability became apparent, the call to pray was in every report and every story. And pray we did: alone, with our families, and in special services and vigils that themselves became news. All of this flying in the face of a culture and media that has said for years that faith and divine intervention are, at best, inappropriate if not impossible. It must have been like discovering that the kooky old aunt you’ve been keeping in the attic is the only one who knows where the family silver is buried.

But which is the true picture of America? Are we a secular society that merely pays lip service to faith when a crisis looms, or are we a nation of quiet faithful who allow ourselves to be cowed by society until circumstances give us a chance to break out? I know how our attackers would describe us.

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Huzzah for Freedom!

by Son@Night

Goodness, it’s a posting extravaganza around here!  Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

In these times of Democratic Party/lobotomized monkey control of government, it’s easy to get a bit cranky.  But shooting monkeys, lobotomized or otherwise, is illegal and morally wrong.  And so I’m thankful for positive, fact-based, friendly explanations of what is going on.  Heck, this video isn’t even political.  It just succinctly makes the case for economic freedom.

Well for the love of corn…  This whole embedding thing is problematic for an Iowegian.  Here’s the link to the video.  Two and half minutes of great stuff that you’ve probably already seen on Facebook.  Oh yeah.

*Gasp gasp* Still Alive (somewhat)

by Tiger Lilly

Hey peeps. So, the blog has kind of been a ghost town lately. Life has been pretty busy for everyone, what with pregnancies, funerals, college, and lots of traveling around. Consequentially, no one has time to update this blog (although I have seen Dad working on at least one post, but I don’t know what it’s about or when it will turn up). I haven’t posted an Anorex[st]ics for a long time, but rest assured that it’s not dead, when I have material for one I will still make it and post it. It’s become a lot less regular than I want it to be, though.

So I thought I’d let you all know that the blog is not dead, just in a coma right now, but we all know the best thing for people in comas is family (and life) support and lots and lots of gifts. Oh yes.
While you’re waiting for posting to pick up, I thought I’d post a few pictures that I’ve taken the last couple weeks. I’ll post them every now and then until this thing throws its crutches aside. Thanks for sticking around.


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Ciao for now!

I am….Batman?

By the Night Writer

Biblically speaking, the eagle and the bat don’t have much in common, other than you’re not supposed to eat either one (check out Leviticus and Dueteronomy). Aside from that the bat receives no mention while the eagle is referred to 25 times in the KJV, though not always positively. Yet culturally and spiritually we view the eagle as a regal and majestic bird, one that can set its wings and fly above the storm. Bats, if you think about them at all, are kind of icky.

I started thinking about this the other day when our pastor said that there are five areas that make up our life and they are, in order of importance: Spirit, Soul (our mind, will and emotions), Body, Social and Financial. The world’s wisdom, however, reverses this order. The basis of this understanding is the main part of a teaching I’ve done at Red Wing, but not the point of this post. Instead, my pastor said you have to look at the world’s priorities upside down as if you were a bat. As he said it, I suddenly got several bat-related pictures in my head.

First it occurred to me that bats really can’t see much at all so they don’t really “look at” anything. Instead, they navigate by sound. That is, they send a noise out ahead of them and steer according to the sound that returns to them, trusting they won’t crash into anything and that they’ll find food. Immediately I remembered that the Bible tells us we are to walk by faith (“the evidence of things not seen”), not sight. Secondly, i remembered that “faith comes by hearing”.

If we set our course by sight we can be led astray by shiny things that may not be good for us, like bugs drawn to a backyard zapper. If, however, we spoke the word of God out of our mouths and ordered our lives by what we heard, we’d be on the path to getting those five priorities in the proper order.

Of course, scripture also quotes Jesus as saying, “I do what I see my Father doing.” That implies sight, but – since God changes not – isn’t it easier to see what God is doing by looking at what He has done, using the word that is in our hearts, in our mouths, and ultimately in our ears?

Finally, the majestic eagle is an apex predator, which means it is mainly on the “look out” for it’s next meal. Many of those we would look at and admire – actors, athletes, politicians – and try to emulate are all in it for themselves. A bat’s next meal, however, is likely be a mess of mosquitos – something that actually helps us.

Hanging upside down is something the world thinks is weird or abnormal, yet it’s perfectly “normal” for a bat, just as I want those five priorities in their proper order to be the norm in my life. Yes, it’s tempting to want to soar like an eagle, but as for me — to the bat cave!

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 134

Whoa, it’s been three weeks! Well, I hope you enjoy this one, because I couldn’t stop snickering while I was drawing it. I don’t want those Snickers to go to waste.

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 134

Now that is the absolute height of manliness. All you need now is a kilt.

Also, it’s someone’s second anniversary today. Happy anniversary, MD and Son@Night/Uncle Ben/Adversary/Whatever The Heck It Is You Call Yourself These Days. MD, I hope you got S@NUBAWTHIIYCYTD a few sets of these.

Ciao for now!