
We now have more evidence of what Tiger Lilly has been saying all along: cows are terrorists! Here’s a photo of a would-be bovine suicide bomber about to go on a mission:

Actually, going on an emission might be more accurate. The photo is from a story about a group of Argentinian scientists that are trying to measure the amount of methane emissions from cows and the impact that may have on global warming:

In a bid to understand the impact of the wind produced by cows on global warming, scientists collected gas from their stomachs in plastic tanks attached to their backs.

The Argentine researchers discovered methane from cows accounts for more than 30 per cent of the country’s total greenhouse emissions.

As one of the world’s biggest beef producers, Argentina has more than 55 million cows grazing in its famed Pampas grasslands.

Guillermo Berra, a researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, said every cow produces between 8000 to 1,000 litres of emissions every day.

Methane, which is also released from landfills, coal mines and leaking gas pipes, is 23 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

Scientists are now carrying out trials of new diets designed to improve cows’s digestion and hopefully reduce global warming. Silvia Valtorta, of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations, said that by feeding cows clover and alfalfa instead of grain “you can reduce methane emissions by 25 percent”.

So the cows are out to get us, using biological weapons no less. This plan has a fatal flaw, however.

When the weather gets warm, I like to grill.

HT: The Llama Butchers


The picture below may look a little unusual, but it’s really Tiger Lilly’s latest weapon in her ongoing war against the terrorist cows “Cow-spiracy”: Tactical Bovine Observation and Neutralization Equipment (T-BONE).

This specially designed vehicle lets Tiger Lilly infiltrate unobserved, eavesdrop on secret plans, unleash a devastating surprise attack and then make a speedy getaway quicker than the cattle can say “”

The factory rep brought this over for her to inspect. Channeling Christian Bale in “Batman Begins”, and thinking of the ninja cows, Tiger Lilly’s response was: “Does it come in black?”

It’s the cows

Be on the lookout for signs of a rebellion.

No, it’s not the terrorists (not the ones you’d expect, anyway) …

No, it’s not teenagers…

It’s the COWS!!!!

Yes, you read that right. I’ve made two long car trips in the last few weeks, through the heart of America’s farmlands, and I tell you there’s something suspicious about all the cows. They are plotting to take over the world. Sure, they LOOK all innocent when you’re driving through the country. But before they hear your car coming, they’re talking in conspiratorial whispers, scheming up ways for world domination!

First, they lull us into a false sense of security. Then, they prey on our other sources of food (did you read about that cow who kept eating chickens?)

Third, they send out their NINJA COWS!!! These cows have training specially for stealth. And they’re always the black ones. Never put a black cow at your back. You think everything’s just fine, and then BAM! You’re on the ground.

Ever notice how cows are usually grouped together, with a few loners? Well, the groups are the conspirators, and the loners are the look-outs. As soon as they hear a car driving by, or someone walking up, they give their secret code and tell everyone to ‘look beefy.’ That’s why all you ever see cows do is eat grass.

Beware the groups of twos and threes. They plot while looking natural. While we were driving home from Missouri, we saw a cow line-up. Seriously. The cows were all in a line on a distant hill. Probably doing a drill or something.

Ways to keep your house cow proof:

  • Set up a large fence with sentry posts. With any luck, if the cows come a-callin’, you’ll get a meal out of the invasion. Mmm… steak.
  • Set up rows of chickens armed with eggs. I’m sure they’ll want to get back at the cows for eating them.
  • Don’t allow groupings of more than two cows in your yard at a time. That should slow them down.
  • Pay spy cows to go into the field and listen in on the cow plans. You might also want to get a moo interpreter.

My dad thinks the government sent deer in to spy on the cows (you can’t trust the cows to do it), but the cows caught on. That’s why we saw so many dead deer on the road last week. Almost all of them were near a field of cows. Black cows. Makes you think.

But here I’ve warned you. You may think I’m crazy, to which I say:

Well, DUH!

But don’t come cryin’ to me when your home is invaded by these four legged tasty conspirators. That’s your problem.

The sheep and hawks are in on it, too.

Ciao (no, literally, chow) for now!