A little romance

Some have asked what kind of of writer I’d like to be, and my answer is, “Well compensated.” Fact is, I’m still trying a few things out but there does seem to be a lucrative market for Romance fiction. Sure, I wouldn’t want to put my real name on it (speaking as a guy who’s blogged for almost four years under an alias), something dashing like, oh, Roman Teeque. Let’s see…how hard can it be?

Rolf drew her to him. Though his embrace was tender, his arms around her were like the branches of the mightiest oak; she marvelled that the giant could be so gentle.

“I would do anything for you,” he breathed. His voice was sunlight through the trees, falling on her in a forest clearing. His scent was of exotic spices and of the tradewinds that had first brought him to her. She looked into the eyes that were as blue and cool as a spring-fed mountain lake. They were still waters, yet she could see the leviathan stirring in the depths, sense it rising in passion. Her lips parted almost of their own volition. But no…

She tossed her head, shaking her titian hair and put her hand to his broad chest, as if to push him away. Instead it lingered. Looking to her hand, she whispered, “Would you climb the highest mountain?”

“Aye,” he said, “and reach up and bring you back a star as well.”

“Would you swim to the bottom of the deepest sea?”

“Yes, and bring you the brightest pearl, though Neptune himself hold it in his briny hands.”

She felt a shiver from the very core of her being. “Would you…would you pick up your socks?”

“Actually,” he said, “Mom’s always done that for me.”

Dang, that’s harder than I thought.

Now it can be told

by the Night Writer

Some have noted that I have yet to endorse a candidate for President. This is not due to an oversight on my part, or because I’ve been too busy. Actually, I have been busy behind the scenes. Very busy. While I wanted to keep things on the QT a little longer, events are no longer completely in my control and circumstances have forced my hand.

Go here to see who I think will be our next President. And remember, it’s spelled with an “H”.

Like a ton of bricks

by the Night Writer

It’s been a busy couple of days, complicated with a couple of headaches at work and ONE real migraine that has lasted now into it’s second day. I spent most of Tuesday evening updating my notes for this week’s “Marriageable” class, which was held last night. The focus in Week 3 was the difference between Courtship and Dating.

As the Mall Diva and Ben have a lot of experience in this area I asked them to come in and describe the way their relationship has progressed and answer any questions the lads had. It was a very lively session with a lot a lot of questions and some excellent answers; I’ll write more about it in an upcoming post that will be part of the “Are You Marriageable” series.

At one point, however, the young men were especially concerned about how courting is carried out in front of the family (or families, if possible), and the inherent expectation of proper behavior. During one answer, Ben made reference to knowing that any impropriety could result in me coming down on him “like a ton of bricks.”

“Oh, you’re exaggerating,” I said. “I don’t weigh anywhere near that much.”

It did remind me, however, that Ben has escaped my attentions relatively unscathed — at least compared to the experience of another would-be suitor who found himself at the point of a bloody knife. That was a story I’ve posted before, but I’ll re-run it here for amusement and edification of both new and long-time readers. It’s also a way for me to buy a little blogging time until my next post while my brain heals and work settles down.

A Night at the Prom
Regular readers of this blog know that my wife and I have a pretty simple philosophy when it comes to our teenage daughter, Faith, dating: No. (See here and here.) Therefore you might be surprised to hear that Faith went to the prom last Saturday night. And yes, there was a boy involved from an unrelated gene pool. How did this happen? One word: conspiracy.

Like “The Kool-aid Report” on clay tablets

by the Night Writer

They didn’t exactly find a heiroglyphic of a someone pulling another person’s finger inside the tomb of King TootTut, but a link from the online Wall Street Journal describes how research has revealed that early civilizations were just as prone to recording scatological humor and to laughing at farts, sex and stupid people.

Scouring ancient texts, researchers from Wolverhampton University found the jokes laid down in delicate manuscripts and carved into stone tablets up to three thousand years old.

Dr Paul MacDonald, a comic novelist and lecturer in creative writing, said ancient civilizations laughed about much the same things as we do today.

He said jokes ancient and modern shared “a willingness to deal with taboos and a degree of rebellion.”

“Modern puns, Essex girl jokes and toilet humour can all be traced back to the very earliest jokes identified in this research,” he commented.

Lost civilisations laughed at farts, sex, and “stupid people” just as we do today, Dr McDonald said.

But they found evidence that Egyptians were laughing at much the same thing.

The world’s oldest surviving joke “is essentially a fart gag”, he said.

The 3,000-year-old Sumerian proverb, from ancient Babylonia, reads: “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.”

Dr McDonald commented: “Toilet humour goes back just about as far as we can go.”

Similarly, going about as far as you can go sounds a lot like these guys.

Nobody expects…the Dad inquisition

My chief weapon is surprise…surprise and fear…my two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency. My three weapons are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency….and coming out of the sun with a squirt bottle full of cold water. Make that my four weapons…oh, never mind. The point is Ben and the Diva weren’t expecting it, but they should have been!

The difference between men and women: #436

Saturday the Mall Diva released Ben from her clutches so he and I could do some male bonding while watching the Packers play-off game. We were watching the game in the basement (where the snowy field and green and gold uniforms were beautiful in HD) when Ryan Grant broke off a long run toward the Seahawks’ goal-line.

Packer-fan Ben leapt off his couch in such great excitement that he struck his head on the low ceiling, dealing himself a near-stunning blow.

Upstairs the Diva and her mother heard the startling and devastating crack and wondered out loud and with some concern if something catastrophic had happened. They listened intently for what might come next.

“Must not be anything too bad,” Mall Diva said. “Dad’s laughing his butt off.”


Thanks to Gary at The Llama Butchers for pointing me toward Atomic Trousers’ fisking of the top 10 worst liberal bumper stickers.

If you’re wondering how you can fisk something one to five words long it simply means you haven’t been paying attention. Here’s one of the 10:

“Remember Katrina. Fight Global Warming” – Fight it with what? Nunchucks? Me attacking global warming like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, you driving a Prius or the U.S. signing the Kyoto Protocol all have the same effect on changing the earth’s temperature: zippo. I started mocking all the angles on this bumper sticker and it started getting too long.

Pull the plug, pull the plug, Buddy gonna shut you down…

Not too many people were shocked when Al Gore III was pulled over last week for speeding, drug possession and having a trunkload of counterfeit carbon credits. What was surprising was that he was clocked at more than 100 mph in a Prius! I’m not a motor-head like Jroosh, but that’s a speed I thought was approachable only if the car were dropped very high from a crane at the Sturgis Bike Rally.

Obviously there are a lot of easy jokes that can be (and were) made. I appreciate it when someone works a little harder for the humor, which is why I especially liked Nancy’s musical treatment at Away With Words:

I feel a song coming on (in the spirit of the Beachboys, the Daytonas, and Jan and Dean):

Hybrid Synergy Racin’ Machine

I was cruisin’ downtown in my Toyota Prius
– Cruise, little Prius! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Doing 50 mpg, just like they guarantee us.
– Conserve, little Prius! Whoosh! Whoosh!
When a big bad Hummer came up alongside
Said, “Hey, Granola–ready to ride?”

I said, I know what you’re thinking–I’m an herbal-tea wuss.
– Rev, little Prius! Shush! Shush!
And I’ll never catch up in my Toyota Prius
– Glide, little Prius! Shush! Shush!
Yeah, my engine is silent–but it’s deadly, too
So buckle up, baby, ’cause I’m gunnin’ for you.

Girl’s voice: “No, Al! No, Al! No, Al! Nooooooo!”

Well, I run on electric and I run on gas
Ain’t nobody here gonna kick my ass.
Prius is green–yeah!–but Prius is mean,
It’s a hybrid synergy racin’ machine.

I push-button-started and began to roll
– Go, little Prius! Zip! Zip!
Passed the Hummer, a Porsche, and the Highway Patrol.
– Fight, little Prius! Zip! Zip!
I was doin’ a hundred on the southbound 5
Lost the Hummer on a curve, more dead than alive.

Well, I run on electric and I run on gas
Ain’t nobody here gonna kick my ass!
Prius is green–yeah!–but Prius is mean,
It’s a hybrid synergy racin’ machine.

Whoa – talk about your little juiced coupe! I wonder if there’s any coming back from Dead Man’s Surge? Oh well, I guess Al III will have fun, fun, fun ’til Daddy takes the Prius away!