Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 127

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 127

Okay, so I’ve been playing Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV. I like it, Dad thinks there’s not enough challenging action (I usually play on Casual difficulty, because I’m a sissy I don’t want to get frustrated).
One of the things about it is when you’re waiting for someone to show up, you can practice your magic/swordsman/whatever skills. I usually make my character do jumping jacks. Every time I jump boosts my experience in agility a little bit, until BAM! I reach the next level of agility.

And you thought I had no time management skills.

Ciao for now!

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 123

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 123

Stick figure skirts! Haven’t done one of those for a while.

So I had a different idea in mind for today (one that didn’t really have anything to do with V-day), but once I created the comic, I decided it wasn’t nearly as funny as I thought it was. Therefore I came up with a different one (at great expense and at the last minute!), just for you. I love you guys.

Also, violence solves everything.

Ciao for now!

Night Hens – The End of Days

Before we leave the house:

MD: Where’s my lip stuff. Oh, it’s in another pocket, that’s why I didn’t find it.
TL: Oh! It’s in another dimension, that’s why I didn’t find it.

At Espresso Royale in St. Paul:

MD slops her coffee on the table.
MD: Weren’t me.
TL: Actually it was my dear sweet sister who’s done nothing but good for me my whole life.
MD: I kind of like the sound of that.
MD: Mom, how is your danish?
RM closes her eyes and nods reverently.
MD: Are you going to share a bite with me?
RM passes the danish. MD takes bite(s), passes it back.
RM: How many bites did you take??
TL holds up three fingers.
MD gives TL a hit: One and a half!
TL: She hit me! She’s leaving in three days and she hit me!
MD: Aren’t you glad I’m leaving so I don’t hit you anymore?
TL: If it meant you would stay…
MD: You wouldn’t care if I hit you as long as I stay?

RM tries TL’s cocoa royale: That’s really good.
MD tries it: That’s spicy!
TL: It is?
MD: Don’t you feel it burning the back of your throat?
TL: Not really. I mean, I pop habaneros on a daily basis, so….

RM: [leans forward and peers at something over TL’s head] Yerba… latte?
TL: You know, I don’t really like it when you lean forward and focus on things behind and slightly above me… [imitates RM] Oh, is that a hammer? Why, yes, I believe it is! How wonderful! [humming Maxwell’s Silver Hammer]

RM: You know, I don’t think we really fit the demographic here…
TL: Why not? We’re all artists.
RM: I don’t think these people are artists… [lowers her voice dramatically] they’re more of the liberal type, I think.
MD: Well, I don’t think you can get away from that, that’s what most coffee shops are usually filled with.
TL: What is the world coming to?

MD trots off to the bathroom.
TL: [to RM] Ninja staring contest! [leans forward with wide eyes]
RM: [leans forward with wide eyes]
TL: This should be easy. You blink a lot.
RM: [blinks] … [defensively] My eyes are dry.

MD: [to TL, about hair] Let me see your purple.
RM: It’s fading into a not so nice color.
MD: We’ll have to dye it again.
TL: Can we blue it?
RM: [horrified] “Can we GLUE it?”!
TL: Bluueeee.
MD: Yeah, we could put blue in it..
RM: You should put true red in it.
MD: Oooh, you know what we could do is put some true red here, then there’s her orange, and then put in some blond! It’s be a gradation!
TL: I’m not comfortable with the direction of this conversation…
MD: OR, to make the purple go away real fast, we could just shave off that triangle of hair right there!
RM: [blanches] [to TL] You’re pretty, but I’m not sure it could survive that…
MD: Your prettiness would die!

This is the end of an era. Final Night Hens post before MD and Uncle Ben take the baby moose and flee to Iowa.