Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 107

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 107

Also, I took Ben’s test:

You are a
Social Liberal
(68% permissive)

and an…

Economic Conservative
(65% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

MD and I got the same results, at almost the same percentages. We’ve got that link going on…

Ciao for now!

ETA: Huh. I wonder why the graphic didn’t load…

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 105 (And Two Years At The Drawing Board)

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 105

Hey guess what! 5 days ago, it was my 2 year anniversary of webcomicking! Woohoo! I didn’t expect to get to two years when I started (in fact, I have no idea what I was expecting at all) (NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!).

It was also my parents 23rd anniversary yesterday. Large round of applause, everybody, because without them you wouldn’t be able to adore adorableness such as this:

(MD and Son@Night might have had something to do with it, too.)

Since it’s my two year anniversary and I can do what I want, I’m giving you a couple links to my favourite webcomics, for those of you who enjoy webcomicky goodness.

Red Moon Rising : An adventure/political intrigue webcomic with steampunkesque elements (like flying ships! Yay!) set in… some other world. The author’s art is amazing, and it’s cool to watch it evolve through the 180 comics she has. This is definitely my favourite webcomic right now.

Red Moon Rising is a full-colour steampunk fantasy webcomic set in the midst of a magic-fueled industrial society, following one person’s small mistake and the knock-on effect it has on the people and the world around them.

and also

The Phoenix Requiem : This comic is authored and illustrated by Sara Ellerton, who is an absolutely superb artist. She also collaborated with Bobby Crosby to make Dreamless.

The Phoenix Requiem is a Victorian-inspired supernatural fantasy story about faith, love, death, and the things we believe in.

On a cold December night, a gentleman stumbles into the town of Esk, gunshot wounds leaving a trail of blood in the snow behind him. Despite making a full recovery at the hands of an inexperienced nurse – and deciding to make a new life for himself in the town – he is unable to escape the supernatural beings, both good and bad, that seem to follow him like shadows.

As they try to discover why, the nurse must question her beliefs and risk her own life in order to protect her family, her friends, and those that she loves.

Okay, so it’s not as religious as it sounds, it’s a good story and excellent art.

Both comics I’d rate PG-13 for language, violence, some drug use (although medicinal), and brief suggestive content.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy them!
Ciao for now.

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 104

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 104


Also, I just wanted to say that if you got the pdf version of Shadow of the Reapers more than two months ago, please please please go back and read the last five or so chapters on the blog (or just ask for a new pdf). A lot of things have changed since the pdf file, and a lot of them really needed to.
Also, apparently, some things get mixed up in the conversion of a word document to pdf, so if there is a distinct lack of periods, spaces, commas, etc in the pdf version, that’s why I know how to use punctuation I promise


Ciao for now!

The Anorex[st]ics Centennial

Here it is. Triple digits! Time for some hyperventilation!

[promptly hyperventilates]

Now that we have that out of the way…

Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 100


This is an old Dungeons and Dragons trope, where, when the Dungeon Master was fed up with the game/the people playing/wanted to be a jerk, he would proclaim this and end the game. I don’t play D&D, but I’ve picked up a few things in all my years of internetism. If you’re into D&D, you might also want to check out this. It’s hilarious. There’s also a shirt devoted to it on (a very awesome website).

You know, I think the post itself was funnier than the comic… well, I never promised you good, just inane! Muahahaha.

Anyway, I think now is the time to insert some sentimentality (if there’s going to be any at all), so… thanks. Thanks for sticking with me for almost two years and a barrage of comics. I appreciate your support, and it’s been a blast.

Ciao for now!

PS: This is not the end of the comic. It will continue to update every Monday (usually. Unless the world gets thrown into chaos/comicking gets pushed to the back of the itinerary).