Name Pending Double Oh Seven! (No, that has absolutely nothing to do with the comic).

This happened last night. I said the first line, and MD said the second. I didn’t get it at first, but you probably will (if you don’t, we’ll explain it).

Remember, I’m still taking comic names!

CC to RM: Is the text big enough?!

Ciao for now (back to writing the novel!!! Gah!!! Not enough time!!!).

Name Pending 006

Okay, only MD is going to get this, but I don’t care.

Also, I’m changing the frequency of Name Pending to approx. once a week, instead of every Monday, because every time I forget…’WHERE’S THE WEBCOMIC???’ I will try to post it on Monday, but if it doesn’t appear, don’t lose hope.

Ciao for now!

Tiger Lilly-icious Updates

Hey, peoples of the blogosphere.

First, an earworm for you:

Enjoy. The video is comprised of clips from World of Warcraft, and the song is from Jonathan Coulton, who had written one song per week for a year to keep his creative juices flowing, or something like that. His website is

Second, I may start posting a webcomic on here, however, I need a name for it. Any ideas? The comic won’t really have a theme, just random stuff. And no, ‘Random Stuff’ won’t be the title.

Ciao for now!