Mrs. Worley, et al. Goes to Washington

By Reverend Mother

Last night at approximately 10:30 Mall Diva, Tiger Lilly, Princess Flickerfeather and a good friend of the family, whom we will call Mrs. Lotti, left So. St. Paul headed for Washington. Monday evening Faith heard a radio interview in which Michele Bachmann urged citizens to gather a group and be at the National Mall Thursday noon for a rally to protest health care “reform” and then visit their congressmen to make their wishes known concerning the upcoming vote. Faith rose to the challenge by gathering her usual suspects, plus one, and driving off into the night. They will arrive in Waynesboro, PA tonight, crash at the house of a cousin and head for DC in the morning. Nightwriter has urged them to speak truth to indifference. They left their guns at home.

Just received a text message from the (National) Mall Diva: “We’re going into the Capitol!” (Thursday, 1 p.m. CST).

I wonder if she got the pitchfork through the metal detector?


I texted the Mall Diva to see how things went at the Capitol and whether I needed to send “lawyers, guns and money.” Her text reply:

Send lawyers, guns, money and men in white coats! These politicians are crazy! But I got my pic taken with Michele Bachmann!

Story here.

6 thoughts on “Mrs. Worley, et al. Goes to Washington

  1. Is it crazy to call into question how we are going to pay for this health care reform? Is it a dangerous ideology to assert that the federal government has limited powers? If so, she is clearly as mad as a hatter.

  2. i would burn any picture taken with that woman. she is the devil incarnate. worse than george w.

  3. Right-o… Where’s your argument? Because she actually has principals and sticks by them? Because she knows that her position is actually that of public servant instead of clinger-on to her own self-interest? Because she realizes that her job is to represent and serve the American people instead of push her own agenda? Because her goal is freedom?

    From your well-thought-out comments I can tell that you are a person that would try to take my freedom forcibly away in the name of “protecting and helping other people” and being “nice”. You are a contradiction unto yourself.

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