Happy “Vente”, Mall Diva!

by the Night Writer

Hat’s off to the Mall Diva, who turns 20 today. Would it be too cliché for me to complain of how quickly the time goes? Yes. Will I do it anyway? Of course.

Not that it would do any good. Holding back time and holding back the Mall Diva are equally impossible, both physically and metaphysically. Even now she’s getting away from me. Plans are proceeding for the wedding next May where I’ll officially “give her away”. The trick will be to “walk” her up the aisle when she’d rather sprint. We’re thinking the reception will be in our back yard, which means that Ben will have to hold off on delivering the 40-cow bride price until after the wedding so there’ll be room. Don’t worry, I think he’s good for it.

“The kids” went up to Alexandria for the weekend so Ben could formally introduce his fiancée to his parents. They’ve spent some time with her already over the past couple of years, but this is their first “engaged” visit. Some details from the trip are posted here.

Speaking of time flying by, it was three years ago that I posted my first blogging birthday wishes to the Diva, along with some of the story about her birth and childhood. You can read the account and see the photos here.

7 thoughts on “Happy “Vente”, Mall Diva!

  1. I lived behind you on Dayton Avenue and trotted through the alley as quick as a could to see that baby. I remember distinctly a great mop of black hair. Yes, time certainly does fly. Yours is the only blog I read, John, and though I disagree completely with your politics, I think you’re a heckuva writer. (You need something new on the nightstand…we’re waiting for your next choice!)

  2. Thanks, UR (I watched for your nephew on TV the other night, btw).

    Disagree completely? That’s rather extreme! You might like some of the other blogs on my blogroll, though, if you want to branch out. Both Gunfighter (believe it or not) and Centrisity are definitely more left-leaning and have blogrolls that may lead you to blogs you’ll enjoy. Flash (Centrisity) and I have had our moments, but we’re respectful of each other.

    As for the nightstand, I know what you mean. Most of the things I’ve taken time to read for the last year or so have been mysteries or such for amusement. The “deeper” ones I’ve read I’ve decided not to endorse for one reason or another. With my train commuting now, though, I’ve got more time to read and just checked out a biography of John Mitchell from the library, “The Strong Man”. I heard the author being interviewed on the radio and the book sounded really interesting (and not hagiographic). I realized that, though I lived through the Watergate era, I didn’t know much about some of the prime characters. I haven’t started it yet, but once I get into it I may put it into that slot. I might have to rename the section “On the Night Train”, though, instead of the Nightstand!

  3. Ooops, just noticed that comment #3 was from “Uncle Raven’s Ex“, not Uncle Raven! Hey, Jules! I didn’t know you were a regular visitor – I’m honored!

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