Life lessons for teenagers

1. Don’t tug on Superman’s cape.

2. Don’t spit into the wind.

3. Don’t post pictures of yourself participating in illegal activities on Facebook.

The children are upset because Eden Prairie High School is disciplining them for breaking school rules about drinking by suspending several students from athletic teams or extra-curricular activities (presumably not drinking related). “Unfair!” they say as they stalk to their corners (or stage a walk-out).

For educational purposes, let’s examine this logic. The students and their parents sign agreements not to drink alcohol while participating in school events (or presumably while eligible to participate), such as sports. The student breaks that pledge and the school finds out through photographic evidence. What part of basic cause and effect did you not learn in class? The school is enforcing its rules, and you should hope that the State of Minnesota doesn’t try to enforce it’s rules (called “laws”, btw) as well since underage drinking is, like, you know, illegal.

And no, my darlings, this isn’t a violation of privacy or free speech. First, if you put something in a public place or space, it’s not private. Second, while your posting of it is speech, the punishment isn’t because you posted, per se, but because the pictures were of you doing something that broke your word, the rules and the law.

This lesson is over. Now, get back to class because I don’t think you can afford to miss many more.

1 thought on “Life lessons for teenagers

  1. That and the right of “free speech” only applies to the government. The schools, while funded by, are not the government. Plus as minors, your right of free speech is tenuous at best, especially considering the content of the free speech in question.

    But yeah, when I was that age (it just occurred to me that was at least a decade ago, crap) I did my best to hide my “extra-curricular” activities from my parents. Wouldn’t even mention them on the phone out of the paranoid thought that my parents might pick up the phone and hear.

    I think our current youth is “stuck on stupid”.

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