16 thoughts on “Anorex[st]ics Inaneymous 072

  1. TL, you will be the master and the newest night will be the learner.
    The young one will join you and make YOU the most powerful ninja in the MOB blogosphere.

    I have foreseen this.

  2. Wait. I thought he sliced off his hand and *then* claimed to be his ever-loving father.

    *jumps off a random tower*

    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! My mother’s skydiving genes have shone throu– wait. I don’t have a parachute. Why don’t I have a parachute?!

  3. Well, this can’t be good. It takes most artists years to create that one piece of work they’ll probably never top. Should I retire now?

    Or should I stick around for another ten years, my work slowly degrading, until I have comics with nothing funny about them at all, most people have moved on, and those who haven’t are only sticking around in memory of the ‘glory days’?

  4. B-but I’m ambidextrous!

    Okay, only those who’ve seen the second Robot Chicken Star Wars will get that reference…

  5. Or should I stick around for another ten years, my work slowly degrading, until I have comics with nothing funny about them at all, most people have moved on, and those who haven’t are only sticking around in memory of the ‘glory days’?

    You mean, like “Garfield”? No, wait, that would mean sticking around for 20 un-funny years. I think you’re safe.

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