Tell us how you really feel, Leo

My friend Leo at Psycmeistr’s Ice Palace is often as pointed as an icicle in defending his religious and political convictions on his blog, especially when those convictions come together on a particular issue. He doesn’t mince his words but will make mince of stories or arguments in favor of limiting our freedoms.

Leo recently used an advisory from American Family Associations — about a HUD-owned senior citizens building in Florida banning an 85-year-old tenant from displaying religious Christmas decorations on her door (a policy that has now been rescinded) — as the starting point for a post raking evermore ambitious nanny state restrictions on our freedoms and our society’s general willingness to put up with this.

Ladies and gentlemen, the State, when held up as god, is a jealous god, and it shall have no other gods before it.

Not even the Real One.

I find it all the more oxymoronic that people on the left who call themselves Christians are so willing to sell their religious freedom to embrace the false promises and sour milk that flow from the golden calf that is the government teat.

In the absence of the acceptance of God, man himself attempts to fill the void to become that which he rejects.

With predictably disastrous consequences, I might add.

And unfortunately, those who choose to ignore history are bound and determined to drag the rest of us along on their path toward its insidious repetition.

Read the whole thing, including the links. But be careful you don’t poke your eye out!

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