Yes, it’s that beautiful time of year; with leaves changing colors and the air getting colder*…
Time to break out the wrist sweaters!

This is the very last of the 899 pictures we took in Europe. We were at the airport to go home, and my carry-on luggage was so stuffed that I couldn’t fit my wrist sweaters anywhere, so I had to wear them.
*The air is supposed to be getting colder, right? Though I personally am not opposed to 70 and 80 degree weather for fall…
My mom and I support global warming!
Global warming can go to hell!
I support global cooling!
I thought that there was a law that you had to be wagging your finger when you you wore those things. Or is that just a tradition?
Global warming can kiss my brass. You know how much 70 degree weather sucks when you are hunting, weighed down and marching through tall grass??
Not to mention how difficult it is to snowmobile or ice fish when it’s 70 degrees?
PFF~Whoa…Tell us how you really feel!
Benny~Actually, I think it’s just you. 😉
Kevi~No. How much does it suck? Okay…I guess you’re right. There wouldn’t be hockey or cross-country skiing if the world was burning up.
I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just use the phrase “wrist sweaters”.
What are you talking about?! That’s what they are! I call ’em like I see ’em.
Did my eyes see right? Did PFF say that or did someone else gain access to her keyboard???
First it’s getting America’s youth to bring back some fashion trend like ‘wrist sweaters;’ next, it’s total European Socialism raising it’s ugly head, they’re insidious. (p.s. where can I get them, I bet my daughter would love a pair, nice x-mas idea)
No Kingdavid, you were right the first time. Wrist sweaters are insidious and can only be used for evil. Believe me on this for I have felt their wrath. (Here a wag, there a wag, everywhere a wagwag.)
What? Insidious wrist sweaters? And since I’m wearing them, does that make me evil? I’m too cute to be evil!
Kingdavid~ Buy your tools of insidiousness at a Fossil near you!
Benny~ Retribution only falls on the guilty, as the wrist sweaters are just. What does that say about you?
Umm, that I’m guilty? But don’t I get a jury of my peers?
Yes. Or that you have been guilty. I haven’t finger-wagged at you in forever!
But all your peers are on my side.
True, the peers are on MD’s side, but for the sake of imagination, it would be an interesting court. Just think of the possibilities.
It’s true that finger wagging has been in short supply lately. That is what worries me about the reappearence of the “wrist sweaters”. They are beastly and aggressive.
No, they’re not. Their reappearance means that it’s cold outside. You seem to be working really hard to get a finger-wag, though…
Remember the last trial I held? That was very entertaining!
I do in fact remember it. When Hugh was here I tried to take a picture during the quiz. Alas, the finger wagged.
NW, you see what happens when you don’t put up a post over the weekend? That’s right, we talk about wrist sweaters for days on end.
(Sigh) Everything always gets blamed on the parents.