(MAL ih choh) noun
As the play within the play begins in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (Act III, Scene 2) and the players act out the poisoning of the king and the wooing and winning of the queen by the poisoner, Ophelia enters and cries, “What means this, my lord?” and Hamlet answers, “Marry, this is miching mallecho; it means mischief. Thus Shakespeare himself supplies the definiition: mischief. Mallecho was derived from the Spanish noun malhecho (evil deed), base on the prefix mal-(evil) plus hecho (deed). Miching (MICH ing) is an adjective made of the present participle of the verb miche, meaning to “skulk” or “slink,” thought to be a variant of mooch (British slang for “slouch about” or “skulk,” differing from the American slang usage, to “scrounge,” both, however, coming from the same source, Middle English michen, to skulk or hide)…
Thus, miching mallecho means “sneaky mischief.” You may never run into this eloquent phrase in contemporary literature, unless you happen to read An Awkward Lie by the English whodunitist Michael Innes (b. 1906), where his detective Sir John Appleby, considering the mysterious disappearance of a corpse from a golf bunker, wonders about this “elaborate piece of miching malicho.” Malicho is a variant of mallecho, or vice versa. Some authorities say that it is vice versa, mallecho, influenced by the Spanish, being a learned emendation of malicho, the form favored by Michael Innes.
My example: The blogosphere has made it much more difficult for a miching mallecho to go unnoticed.
Hmmm, the reference above to a corpse in a golf bunker being a miching mallecho reminds me of the upcoming Second Annual Millard Fillmore Memorial KAR Nation Open Championship Golf Outing Classic (sponsored by Buick and The Kool Aid Report), known as “The MilF.” Miching? MilFing? Mischief, no doubt, will ensue.
From the book, “1000 Most Challenging Words” by Norman W. Schur, ©1987 by the Ballantine Reference Library, Random House. I post a weekly “Challenging Words” definition to call more attention to this delightful book and to promote interesting word usage in the blogosphere. I challenge other bloggers to work the current word into a post sometime in the coming week. If you manage to do so, please leave a comment or a link to where I can find it. Previous words in this series can be found under the appropriate Category heading in the right-hand sidebar.
Play Better Golf – Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff Many golfers are not aware of the rotator cuff and its function in golf. This group of muscles around the shoulder is crucial to the golf swing. Not surprisingly, the shoulder is one of the areas mo [read more..]
Russell Crowe ha? ?escribed a report ?e is looking to sell out of NRL club South Sydney ?s ‘bulls***’.
Reports emerged ?n M?nday t?? Hollywood
actor iis ?n the market to sell ?is 25 per cent stake in the
Rabbitohs, w?o he bought ?ith businessman Peterr Holmes àCourt
foor $3 m?llion in 2006.
But in a statement prov?ded to Australian ?ssociated Press,
Crowe advised journalists t? mak? the most oof the Austrapian weather ?ather than concern t?emselves ?ith his business dealings.
‘Ju?t te?l them all it’s bulls***, ?nd advise th?m to enjoy t?e summerr sun,’ Crowe ?aid.
?? lwter posted t?e f?llowing message onn
?: ‘Re SSFC [South Sydney Football Club]. What ?ould January ?n Australia ?e with?ut desperate legacy
media conspiracy theories?
‘Enjiy t?? summmer ?un while it’s there and ignore the trolls.
WB [coach Wayne Bennett] ?ack onboard. A fresh energy abo?t the place.
An arrowhead on our intentions.’
Russell Crowe (pictured ?ith Anthony Albanese) ?a? emphatically denied
? bombshell report t?at h? i? trying t? sell h?? stake ?n the South Sydney Rabbitohs
?he Gladiator star (pictured ?t a Souths game ?n 2023) c?rrently owns 25 ?er cent
?f th? club
Th? Rabbitohs declined to comment publicly ?hen contacted.
South Sydney finished t?e 2006 season in la?t place aft?r Crowe and
Holmes à Court bought the team ea?lier t?at ?ear ??
narrowly winning ? vote t?at w?? put to th? club’s mo?e than 3000 membe?s ?t
the time.
Crowe brought Hollywood glitz ?nd glamour t? the club almost straight ?way, famously ?aving t?e players kitted ?ut in clothing by Armani, ?nd getting fellow megastars ?ike Tom Cruise and Chris Hemsworth
?long to games.
?fter winning t?e minor premiership in 1989, t?e club fell ?n extremely hard time? financially ?nd competitively,
leading to t?eir exclusion f?om the NRL in 1999.
The Bunnies won reinstatement in 2002 after a lengthy court battle,
?ut th?i? struggles continued ?ntil th? c?ange of ownership.
?rom the 2007 season, the team got on a roll that culminated ?n t?em
winning th? 2015 grand final t? record a record 21?t premiership victory.
?nother grand final fo?lowed in 2021 ?s t?e
Rabbitohs lost t? Penrith, and the sid? remained competitive ?ntil failing to m?ke th? final eight in 2023, then sliding t? a disappointing
16t? on the ladder ?ast ?ear.
?t ?as a horror season that s?w coach Jason Demetriou sacked, ?nd the team’? b?st player, Latrell Mitchell, ?et punished b? club bosses aft?r
his ?hite powder scandal fo?lowed a run of injury and
on-field controversies t? ruin t?e fullback’s
Crowe (pictured ?t a Bunnies match ?n 2018) played a leading role in turning the team
fr?m also-rans int? premiers after t?king ov?r ?n 2006
But despite th?t, Souths r?main in ? ?ood position financially ?s the club recorded profits f?r the l??t s?ven years, including making $14m?llion in 2024.
Crowe’s takeover was far f?om a ?ure thing as ?e and Holmes à Court’? bid only got
u? ?y 32 votes, w?th 3942 membe?s casting ballots.
‘?his means we have ? future, w? hav? a future and ?e have cash in the
bank and we can begin t? focus on t?e very thing that all of the factionalism and
t?e ?n-fighting stops ?s focusing on w?ich i? playing
t?e game of football ?nd playing it competitively,’ Crowe
t?ld the club’s fans afte? the win.
The bombshell report ?s not th? fir?t time the star h?s be?n connected t? offloading his shares in t?? team.
In 2012, Souths ann?unced th?t he ?as going to sell his th?n 37.5 ?er ?ent stake ?efore Crowe changed ?is mind.
‘?h?re’s a personal equation ?ere. He has a young family.
Obvi?usly h?s commitments w?th w?rk ?ave be?n excessive
??er t?e last 18 months,’ then Rabbitohs chairman Nicholas Pappas ?aid, referring to Crowe’s separation f?om h?s
then-wife Danielle Spencer.
NRLChris HemsworthTom CruiseRussell Crowe
?ere is my blog post – patriti wine
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