My Brain Hurts…So Use These Guys’ Brains Instead

I spent too much time reading other blogs this evening and checking for updates on Terri Schiavo’s case and while I feel very well informed, I’m in a mood where I might write some things I’ll regret. Instead, allow me to point you toward a couple of blogs that I think might still make you glad you visited here today.

I’m making an effort not to focus on one or two issues over and over in this big, wide world, but here are some good takes on topics that have already been discussed here a couple of times. First – and try to keep your eyes from glazing over at least until the end of this paragraph – Social Security. The Policy Guy has a series of short (2-3 paragraphs each) posts that each outline a different issue facing Social Security. Taken as a whole or bit by bit these provide a pretty painless way to get up to speed on this topic. Then if these posts whet your appetite for meatier fare and a rollicking debate check out the following post from Jay Reding and the series of related comments that follow here. You might also check out his post here where he describes individual account retirement plans that are already successful in the U.S.

I always look forward to my daily visit to The Bleat by James Lileks for his off-hand but thoughtful style and humor. He didn’t let me down today with his own take on the Terri Schiavo case (read it here). And while it is very difficult to find much humor in this topic, Sisyphus at Nihilist in Golfpants has a risky but bracing look at the absurdities of the situation with his “Top 11 Reasons to Kill Terri Schiavo.”

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