by the Mall Diva
Has Hell frozen over?
I have something important to tell you! Last November Princess Flickerfeather and her brother Prince Donny went down to Oklahoma to help Tracy Trost, a friend of ours, work on an original film. They had a blast, and PFF even blogged all about it here!
Anyhoo, now the trailer is up, and I have a request to make of you:
Would you please join facebook (if you’re not on it already), watch the trailer and become a fan of the movie? It would mean ever so much to us, it’s quite an exciting event!! Thanks!
Wow, use up all of your 2009 posts in one day why don’t ya?
I don’t know about Hell, but something sure feels as if it’s frozen over!
I think it’s my feet. My feet feel frozen over.
I have been avoiding Facebook for this long, now I have to join…
Yes Jifufu, like me, you must succumb to our culture’s obsession with communication.
Don’t do it Jifufu! Be strong!!!