Down ‘n dirty

I love to go mudding.

My cousin’s family has a cabin in the Crosby-Ironton area, and sometimes I go up there with them for the weekend. They have two ATV’s and access to lots of trails. Once when I was up there for the fourth of July weekend, the weather was really lame. It was around 55-60 degrees and gray and rainy.

It was gross.

So my uncle and I and another friend we brought along decided it was perfect conditions to go mudding. I put on my favorite mudding jeans(Calvins), a couple of t-shirts and a couple sweatshirts.

We were the only people on the trails that day. I rode with my uncle on the 500, and Adam rode the 250. There were the most awesome puddles(read: ponds, small lakes) and it didn’t take long for us to get soaked.

On the way back, I switched spots with Adam on the smaller four-wheeler, and the guys ended up getting way ahead of me. I came to this one puddle that was huge and kinda freaked me out, but I just gunned it.

Then, right in middle of the nastiest, muddiest quagmire we had been through all day, the ATV died on me. I had no choice but to step off up to my thighs in the puddle to start it back up and push it out. It was awesome!

When I finally caught up with the guys they had been wondering where I was, but I doubt that it was hard to figure out after looking at me.

The muddier you are, the more fun you have had. ‘Member that.

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